Between 1501 and 1867, nearly 13 million African people were kidnapped, forced onto ships, and trafficked across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. Two million people died during the barbaric Middle Passage.

The Legacy Museum
The Legacy Museum
The Legacy Museum offers a powerful, immersive journey through America’s history of racial injustice.
On the site of a cotton warehouse where enslaved Black people were forced to labor in bondage, the Legacy Museum tells the story of slavery in America and its legacy through interactive media, first-person narratives, world-class art, and data-rich exhibits.
Travel through a comprehensive history of the destructive violence that shaped our nation, from the slave trade, to the era of Jim Crow and racial terror lynchings, to our current mass incarceration crisis—and find inspiration in our soaring Reflection Space and world-class art gallery.
Continue your journey of learning and reflection outside the museum
From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration
From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration
A tragic, false narrative of racial difference was created in America that has resulted in centuries of racial bigotry and injustice.
This belief in racial hierarchy was used to legitimate, perpetuate, and defend slavery—and it survived slavery’s abolition, fueling racial terror lynchings, demanding legally codified segregation, and spawning our contemporary mass incarceration crisis.
The Legacy Museum traces the evolution of this dehumanizing myth from our nation’s founding to today.